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Testosterone Enanthate for Sale (8)

Testosterone Enanthate is an esterified form of testosterone. The active ingredient is planted into ester and stored in fat depots, and not immediately split in full amount and gradually enters the blood.

Testosterone has a pronounced anabolic properties, accelerates protein synthesis (provides a positive nitrogen balance), and also provides other useful effects for the athlete. In men, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells of the adrenal cortex and, in women - only the adrenal cortex. Hormone - a product of peripheral metabolism, moreover, it has very little activity, because almost does not bind to androgen receptors. Testosterone is a prohormone. This means that before the application of androgen receptors, it is processed (modified) by a specific enzyme - 5-alpha-reductase. Thus, a hormone active form - dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone Enanthate Profile

testosterone enanthate

Enanthate - long acting ester. It should be noted that the period of exposure depends on the individual characteristics of a person and can range from two to three weeks. The half-life is about 6-7 days.

  • Anabolic effects - 100% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic effects - 100% of testosterone.
  • Conversion rate into estrogen - high.
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes - significant.
  • Toxicity to the liver - is absent.
  • Duration of the action - up to half a month.
  • Detection time - up to 3 months.

Testosterone Enanthate is manufactured exclusively in injection form.

Testosterone Enanthate Effects

  • The growth of muscle mass. The rapid increase in muscle mass is due in part to the accumulation of fluid, which is due to testosterone estrogen activity and sodium retention. After a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate ends, there is a rollback phenomenon (more or less pronounced).
  • Increase in power rates.
  • Participation in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (masculine facial features, body hair, deep voice) and the development of male sex organs.
  • Impact on sexual behavior and provision of spermatogenesis.
  • Improving phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.
  • Eliminating joint pain, problems with the intervertebral discs and the crunch in the shoulder.
  • Stimulation of regenerative processes in the body.
  • Strengthening the overall tone and increasing the motivation to train.
  • Increase in red cell blood.
  • Prevention of overtraining.

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Application of Enanthate is recommended to adult athletes who have undergone a full medical examination. Injections are performed no more than twice a week. The dosage is adjusted individually, and depends on many factors. In general, safe range is from 250 to 500 milligrams. With the increase in body weight, it can be increased the amount administered. Average solo testosterone enanthate cycle lasts about two to two and a half months, the PCT begins only after two or three weeks after the lifting of the steroid. If you are a beginner and do not know how to take testosterone enanthate, it is best to start with 250 milligrams and track response of the body.

In order to eliminate possible estrogenic side effects, it is best to use Proviron or other aromatase inhibitors - about 2-3 weeks of the cycle and up to 7 days for its completion. If possible, it is useful to control the level of estradiol: it will allow to track the effectiveness of estrogen suppression "sides". After the reception, to avoid losses of gained muscle mass you need to take cortisol blockers.

Combined Testosterone Enanthate Cycles

As for how to take testosterone enanthate in combination with other steroids, a muscle set is best achieved in combination with Trenbolone, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone and Anadrol. In this case the dosage of each drug is reduced down to the minimum recommended by the solo rate.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

Testosterone Enanthate's biggest drawback is its high level of flavoring that is conversion into oestrogens. This causes frequent side effects (though they arise in the majority of non-compliance with the recommended dose and/or duration of the cycle) in the form of fat, swelling and gynecomastia. Old method of eliminating these shortcomings is taking anti-estrogens. In principle, you can now just to stop the above-mentioned problems, but is much more effective to take aromatase inhibitors on the cycle. Anti-estrogens are needed to restore normal levels of secretion of testosterone. On the negative side effects of testosterone enanthate: possible to increase blood pressure, hair loss, acne, increased aggression.

Testosterone Enanthate Reviews

Most people are satisfied with the quality of gained muscle mass. More than half of the athletes are unhappy with pronounced rollback phenomenon. Their reviews of testosterone enanthate say that often a third or even more weight out at the end of the cycle. Fully keep of figure is almost impossible.

Yet, the effectiveness of "test" is estimated as high. Testosterone Enanthate is produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. Enumerate them makes no sense, because this popular steroid enters the line of almost all pharmaceutical concerns and to find reviews of testosterone enanthate from any company will not be difficult.

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