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Letrozole for Sale (3)

Letrozole - one of the most effective non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor drugs. It is popular in 65 countries. This drug is blocking properties to the enzyme aromatase. It is very difficult to understand, right? Let's see - how to use Letrozole in bodybuilding.

Letrozole has found its application among bodybuilders and other athletes. In sports, the drug is used as an additional element in the cycle of steroids to reduce the levels of estrogen and small increase of Testosterone. Letrozole is considered one of the best products in its sphere of influence, so it is quite known among bodybuilders.

Studies have shown that the drug can reduce the concentration of estrogen by 97%, which shows its high efficiency. But if you take the recommended doses, the concentration is reduced only by 76-79%, which is also good. Low levels of estrogen affects the reduction of side effects on cycle, which is very important for athletes. It was also observed that the use of Letrozole in bodybuilding increases the production of certain hormones (Luteinizing, follicle stimulating hormone binding globulin) and they, in turn, increase the production of Testosterone.

Letrozole Effects

  • Prevention of estrogen negative side effects (flooded, acne, body fat, gynecomastia).
  • Troubleshooting symptoms of gynecomastia in the early stages of the cycle.
  • Helps to keep the muscle tissue after a cycle of catabolic processes (in the world of bodybuilding it is a very well known concept - "catabolic" stall after taking steroids).

Taking Letrozole should be very useful if in your cycle are listed such drugs as anabolic steroids and androgens.

Letrozole Dosages

In bodybuilding Letrozole is recommended at 1-3 mg per day (at any time of the day). Studies have shown that even 100 mcg a day is very effective in inhibiting the action of the aromatase enzyme. Exceeding the recommended dose may lead to negative side effects in the form of reduced sexual desire. The daily dosage for each athlete will vary, depending on age, experience, supplementation, should be in the range of 1 to 3 mg per day. To get your individual rate you can have experts examination before taking any pharmaceutical drugs. After a prolonged use of the substance you can move to another circuit of aromatase - not using Letrozole every day, but any other next day.

Letrozole During Post Cycle Therapy

If during cycle the Letrozole dosage may vary quite strongly, then during post cycle therapy is considered a standard dose of 2.5 mg of Letrozole daily for 7-10 days and then 0.5 mg every other day for two to three weeks.

Letrozole Side Effects

  • headache;
  • joint pain;
  • fever;
  • a feeling of weakness;
  • nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • hair loss.

It must be said that these side effects can be caused only by increased doses of the drug. If the administration comply with the recommendation, it is possible to avoid such side effects.

Letrozole Contraindications

Letrozole in bodybuilding can be taken almost by everyone. No special contraindications, but it is recommended to take Letrozole under the supervision of experts for athletes who have intolerance to some components of the drug, or liver problems. If there are any bad feelings during reception, it is best to replace the drug with another, more appropriate.

Letrozole Reviews

On the internet resources dedicated to power sports, you can find many reviews and comments about this aromatase inhibitor. In most cases, Letrozole reviews are positive. Many athletes believe that this drug is one of the most effective and safe. Also, the popularity of Letrozole can be explained by the fact that it is one of the cheapest among other antiestrogens.

Negative reviews about Letrozole to find is quite difficult. In most cases, the appearance of side effects are due to the excess of the recommended dosage and ignoring instructions from the reception.

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