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Clomiphene Citrate for Sale (4)

Why Do You Need Antiestrogens?

Antiestrogens are bodybuilders best friends who are using in their cycles androgenic-anabolic steroids. And that's why.

We all know that on a cycle of steroids, the body stops producing its own hormone Testosterone. This is happening because, just there is no need - from the outside it and so many acts, so that why once again wasting the resources of the body? Thus, the activity of the arc "hypothalamus-pituitary-testes", begins to rapidly fade. And the longer is the cycle, the more dosage than the "harder" drugs, the more this is the arc of "stalls". By the way, the degree of its "kill" after the cycle also depends on the balance of hormones such as estradiol, prolactin and progesterone. If the level of at least one of these hormones is above the reference value, the arc will fill up much faster and deeper. That is why it is so important to carefully monitor the level of these hormones on the cycle, to be tested, and to have on hand inhibitors of prolactin and estradiol.

Accordingly, the more deep sleep is immersed arc "hypothalamus-pituitary-testes", the longer it will have to wake up and the more effort will have to make after the cycle in order to develop its own testosterone to normal. And the sooner you restore the level of testosterone, the better you will look after the cycle and faster will stop the loss of muscle mass and strength.

And here comes the anti-estrogens. These are: Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) and Toremifene Citrate. On the last two we will not say, the second in general should be excluded from this list because it is the most "dirty", and often from Tamoxifen recovery can get more minuses than pluses.

For all athletes who are building their bodies, use of Clomid is recommended. Comparing to other anti-estrogens it is expensive, but certainly the most qualitative and effective. And to save on health - is the last thing.

How Clomiphene Works And Its Role During PCT

You can often see athletes on the post-cycle therapy use various dietary supplements, in order to restore the body's own testosterone production. Infusions of herbs, Tribulus and other shit (sorry). This is not true. After the cycle of AAS organism is in deep pit hormone from the fact that the level of luteinizing hormone and follicle is equal to zero. It is gonadotropic hormones, the amount of which depends the level of testosterone in the blood.

Clomid has a direct effect on the level of LH and FSH. In addition, he joins the estrogen receptor, so estrogen, as measured by a blood test, there will be many, but most of it is simply inactive.

In the first days after receiving Clomid cycle, LH and FSH levels soar to the upper maximum value, it is rapidly rising for a testosterone level. Thus, in just a few weeks (2-6), we get a completely normal level of testosterone, while the levels of LH and FSH after the drug is back to its previous normal values. With regard to the number of weeks - all is individually. Someone recover for 2 weeks, someone needs two months. It depends, again, on what was based the cycle.

How To Take Clomid On PCT After A Steroid Cycle

Clomiphene Citrate dosages are determined depending on the degree of severity of the cycle. The more drugs were involved, high dosages, and how strong were these drugs, the longer you will need time to recover, and the greater amount of Clomid need. Overall, the scheme can be described as follows:

  • Very heavy cycle - 3*150/12*100/15*50/15*25
  • Heavy cycle - 15*100/15*50/15*25
  • Average cycle - 30*50/15*25
  • Easy cycle - 15*50/15*25/15*25 (every 2 days)
  • Very easy cycle - 15*50/15*25

*Note - The first number is the number of days, the second digit after the asterisk - dosage of Clomiphene. For example, 15*50/15*25 means that in the first 15 days is necessary to take 50 mg of Clomid, and then for the next 15 days - 25 mg.

Clomiphene Reviews in Bodybuilding

Any negative reviews on the use of Clomid in bodybuilding are absent. Not surprisingly, since the side effects of the drug are absent (at least, not observed). Clomiphene Citrate helps athletes recover quickly and incurring minimal losses after a cycle of steroids.

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Clomid by Dragon Pharma


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Steroids source offers to buy Clomid online (Clomiphene Citrate) on-line at lowest prices. Generic Clomid manufactured by legal Dragon Pharma supplier for building muscle mass […]

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Steroids store offers to buy Clomid Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Clomiphene Citrate) online at convenient prices. Legal Clomedmanufactured by Balkan Pharmaceuticals legit supplier for gaining muscle mass […]

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