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Testoxyl Propionate for Sale

Testoxyl Propionate by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals


A steroid of anabolic and androgenic effects from the Indian pharmaceutical company Kalpa Pharma. The main active ingredient – testosterone propionate. Product form – packing 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml). Testoxyl Propionate is one of the most popular steroids in sports. The propionate ester is the shortest and determines the properties of the drug. Most often Testoxyl Propionate is not used for gaining a set of muscle mass, but for maintaining it.

Testosterone propionate – a hormone to which is attached a molecule of propionic acid. The disadvantage of Testoxyl Propionate is the need to carry out an injection three times a week or even a day, benefit – less, in comparison with analogues, the detection time for doping control ( “test” detected around for 4 weeks, and under certain circumstances can be used by professional athletes). Preparation sufficiently strongly suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, testicles, is not toxic to the liver and has a high degree of conversion to estrogens. Duration – 2-3 days.

Testoxyl Propionate Effects

  • Increased nitrogen through effects on gene transcription.
  • Increasing the level of insulin-like growth factor in the liver and muscles.
  • Accelerate muscle recovery and hyperplasia.
  • Increased libido on the cycle.
  • Reduction of body fat.
  • Protection of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improving athletic performance.

Effects of Testoxyl Propionate from Kalpa Pharma, in general, do not differ from other forms of esters. However, there is a significant difference in their primary focus, and activity.

Testoxyl Propionate Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Solo Testoxyl Propionate cycle commonly used by novice athletes. Duration of reception varies from one month to two, injections are performed in a day, the dose – 50-100 mg. Steroid should be combined with antiestrogens. Good options are Proviron or aromatase inhibitors. Correctly selected pharmacological dosage avoid or minimize side effects. As a post-cycle therapy is used tamoxifen.

As for how to make Testoxyl Propionate in combination with other anabolic and androgenic steroids, then it all depends on the purpose of the athlete. In order to form the relief of muscles (ie, to the “drying rates) testosterone propionate often combines with Primobolan Depot, Masteron, Stanozolol and Trenbolone Acetate. Testoxyl Propionate is very effective with Winstrol. Combinations of these two drugs can achieve synergies and reduce the likelihood of adverse side reactions. There are opinions that the steroid possesses local action, that is, has a greater effect directly at the injection site. However, research has not confirmed these speculations and therefor are false.

Testoxyl Propionate Side Effects

The most common side effects of Testoxyl Propionate – is redness at the injection site, as well as the pain that arises due to frequent injections. The negative impact on the body of the steroid has estrogenic nature, since testosterone aromatizes and becomes dihydrotestosterone and estrogen. If you exceed the duration of the cycle and dosages, may cause gynecomastia, alopecia (or hair growth), acne, prostate enlargement and in also masculinization. Testoxyl Propionate significantly suppresses the production of testosterone by the body. Full restoration of normal levels of the hormone occurs in 2-3 months. With moderate use of steroids does not affect the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. To take Testoxyl Propionate by women is not recommended due to a distinct androgenic effect.

Testoxyl Propionate Reviews

Athletes say that Testoxyl Propionate provides quality muscle growth with a slight rollback phenomenon. The main complaints relate to poor tolerability of injections. In general, reviews of Testoxyl Propionate from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals are talking about steroid as an effective tool in the “dry” cycles, allowing not only to keep up the weight, but also increase the performance and endurance.

Professional athletes are advised to use testosterone propionate on the combined cycles. Reviews of Testoxyl Propionate as an AAS for mixed use, are talking about the possibility of a combination with: Primobolan, Trenbolone, Masteron and some other steroids.

Alternative Testoxyl Propionate Suppliers – Buy Testoxyl Propionate Online – Kalpa Pharma

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