Testoxyl Enanthate for Sale
- Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate
- Presentation: 10ml vial (250 mg/ml)
- Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
- Link: https://www.rxsteroids.net/buy-injectable-steroids-1143/testoxyl-enanthate-250-20818.html
- Listed: March 27, 2016 8:28 am
- Expires: This ad has expired
Testoxyl Enanthate – anabolic and androgenic steroid from the Indian pharmaceutical company Kalpa Pharma. Chemically testosterone enanthate is an ester. Its main advantage is prolonged exposure. The average period of activity of the steroid is about 2-3 weeks and varies, depending on hormonal levels and metabolism of a particular athlete. Low frequency of injections – it is very convenient and Testoxyl Enanthate is a favorite AAS of many athletes. Two or even one injection per week to maintain the concentration of the hormone in the blood at a constant level.
Testoxyl Enanthate is exposed to flavoring, and because of this, the cycles are almost always combined with antiestrogens. Steroid quite strongly suppresses the axis hypothalamus-pituitary-testes, but it is not toxic to the liver. The positive doping sample athlete can pass a period of three months after the last injection.
Testoxyl Enanthate Effects
- Increase in power rates.
- Growth of muscle mass. Testoxyl Enanthate is highly regarded by representatives of power sports, and especially by powerlifters, weightlifters and bodybuilders. The rapid increase in the volume of muscle mass is partly caused by the accumulation of fluid, but after the cancellation of the cycle there is a significant phenomenon of rollback.
- Eliminating joint pain. The effect is less pronounced than that of Nandrolone and Growth Hormone, but still present.
- Stimulation of regenerative processes.
- Increasing the motivation and desire to train.
- Increase in red cell blood, and as a result, endurance.
Testoxyl Enanthate Dosage / Cycle / Stack
Testoxyl Enanthate cycle lasts for a long time – usually two to two and a half months. Before taking the steroid is recommended to consult a doctor and diagnose the condition of the body. The drug is completely healthy to athletes and it can be used without the presence of any contraindications. The recommended dosage varies between 250 to 500 mg per week. Experienced athletes may increase the amount of the hormone, but it increases the risk of side effects. It is preferable to increase the length of the Testoxyl Enanthate cycle and dosage remains the same. After discontinuation of the drug is carried out after 2-3 weeks post-cycle therapy. At high doses in parallel with testosterone is taken Proviron for sale or aromatase inhibitors (within the second or third week of the cycle and up to a week after its completion). If the cycles are longer than 8 weeks, it is recommended to use Gonadotropin, and immediately after the cycle – cortisol blockers. When properly prepared PCT regimen can retain maximum gained muscle mass.
As for how to make Testoxyl Enanthate in combination with other anabolic and androgenic steroids, the best combination for a set of muscle mass are considered with: Methandrostenolone, Trenbolone and Oxymetholone, for “drying” is added Winstrol or Anavar.
Testoxyl Enanthate Side Effects
In fact, the only real problem with taking testosterone enanthate – its strong degree of aromatization. Estrogenic activity of Testoxyl Enanthate can cause side effects such as swelling, gynecomastia, fat, etc. More recently, the athletes fought against this phenomenon, using anti-estrogens, but today the preferred drugs are inhibitors of aromatase. They are more effective in controlling estradiol-mediated reactions. Less Testoxyl Enanthate from Kalpa Pharma causes hair loss, aggression, blood pressure rise. Women to take this drug is contraindicated, since there may be manifestations of masculinization.
Testoxyl Enanthate Reviews
Reviews about Testoxyl Enanthate from Kalpa Pharma confirmed the rollback phenomenon. Approximately half of the athletes are unhappy with weight loss after completing the cycle. The frequency of side effects is small, but, according to some athletes, have to deal with estrogenic manifestations.
However, reviews of Testoxyl Enanthate show the effectiveness of the steroid to enhance athletic performance and endurance. Athletes say it easy of use: low frequency injection allows you to forget about painful sensations often associated with the use of an aqueous suspension.
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