Sustanon 350 for Sale
- Active substance: Testosterone Blend
- Presentation: 10 mL vial (200 mg/mL)
- Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
- Link:
- Listed: September 30, 2015 4:13 pm
Sustanon 350 from the Dragon Pharma – anabolic and androgenic steroid based on a mixture of testosterone esters (Decanoate, Isocaproate, Phenylpropionate, Propionate). The first such drug was invented by Organon as a medical means for improving the level of testosterone by the body when there is insufficient secretion of the hormone.
What is the main difference from the usual mix of testosterone? The bottom line is that is planted on different esters active ingredient into the blood at different times. First enters into force well-known classic Propionate, then Phenylpropionate, after it – Isocaproate and the last is Decanoate. The most popular, testosterone was used a mixture of 80-ies of the last century. The main advantage of the product – easy to use. When this effect is not different from that which can be obtained by using each successive ester alone.
Sustanon 350 Effects
- Increase in muscle mass. At solo cycle, you can gain from 4 to 10 kg of muscles.
- Inhibition of catabolic processes.
- Stimulation of the formation of erythrocytes. Sustanon 350 application improves oxygen transport to the muscles and they can work longer without acidification. Because of hematopoietic function significantly increases endurance, which makes popular drug in the preparation for athletes.
- Increase libido.
Sustanon 350 Dosage / Cycle / Stack
Sustanon 350 cycle is not recommended for underage athletes and those who have the slightest contraindications. Before taking steroids you should consult with a physician. Average duration of Sustanon 350 cycle is 6 to 8 weeks, dosage – 250 to 500 milligrams of active compound. To avoid side effects from the second week of reception is necessary to include aromatase inhibitors. Ideally, if you have the opportunity to be tested periodically and monitor the level of estrogen. Post-cycle therapy is to restore testosterone secretion. The maximum efficiency of the steroids provide a correctly chosen sports nutrition.
How to take Sustanon 350 with other AAS? For muscle mass, Sustanon 350 is combined with Nandrolone, for relief and drying – with Winstrol. Properly compiled a combined rate considerably improves performance and reduces the likelihood of adverse effects on the body.
Sustanon 350 Side Effects
Testosterone – the main active ingredient of the Sustanon steroid, but because of, “sides” are connected primarily with estrogenic activity. If you exceed the cycle duration and dosage of the drug, is not excluded gynecomastia, the formation of fat, swelling, significant suppression of testosterone. In order to prevent side effects from Sustanon 350, it is advised to take anti-estrogens (and better – aromatase inhibitors). As PCT is used Tamoxifen or some other estrogen receptor modulator. During long-term cycles must be taken gonadotropin, or may develop testicular atrophy.
Sustanon 350 Reviews
Some athletes complain about the appearance of infiltrates (a kind of “bumps”) at the injection sites. Negative reviews about Sustanon 350 from Dragon Pharma also point to the rise in temperature during the cycle. Perhaps the most significant shortcomings of the steroid. There are usability of mixed testosterone and its efficiency by using a solo or in combination with other AAS.
Sustanon reviews say that if used properly, the drug, the side effects are minimal or do not occur at all.
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