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Sustamed for Sale

Sustamed (Testosterone Blend) by Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Sustamed 250 from Balkan Pharmaceuticals – quite powerful steroid with high anabolic and androgenic effects. The active ingredient in Sustamed is a mixture of testosterone esters: Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate and Testosterone Propionate. This steroid is more favorably than testosterone esters alone, due to low frequency of injections: it is reasonable to inject once a half a month. The highest concentration of testosterone in the blood occurs within 15 days after the injection, and approximately one month reduced to near baseline.

For the first time the drug was released back in the 70s of the last century by Organon pharmaceutical company. Then it was used for the treatment of diseases associated with inadequate secretion of testosterone by the body of androgen: sexual dysfunction, delayed puberty and some cancers in women. Today this steroid used only for sporting purposes.

Sustamed Effects

  • Stimulation of protein synthesis and consequently weight gain.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Hematopoietic function. Sustamed by Balkan Pharmaceuticals increases red cell mass of the blood, which provides a more efficient transfer of oxygen to the muscle cells. Significantly increasing the aerobic capacity of the organism, shifting the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, longer muscles can break down molecules of ATP, with the participation of oxygen.
  • Increased sexual desire.

The mixture of esters is good that the components begin to act one after the other, and eliminates the need for constant drug administration. The steroid is the most powerful tool with androgenic activity. Most often used by representatives of the sports: bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters.

Sustamed Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Sustamed course lasts a maximum of 8 weeks. Dosage is based on one week and varies from 250 to 750 grams. The way in how to take Sustamed, largely depends on the individual characteristics of your body: gender (primarily), weight, sports experience, experience in the use of anabolic steroids and, of course, your goal. Sustanon is very effective in cases where the quality of the gain weight is not of paramount importance. For is not recommended – it is likely more harm from it will be than good.

For enhanced set of muscle mass, Sustamed can be combined with Nandrolone, for drying and acquisition of relief – with Winstrol.

Sustamed Side Effects

Side effects from Sustamed 250 are most often found in cases where the athletes on the course of the preparation do not use anti-estrogens. At medium and high dosages, it is recommended to be combined with Clomid or Nolvadex. Testosterone levels in the body has a direct influence on the probability and of side effects. In some cases, it may be increased hair growth or hair loss, acne. Much depends on individual predisposition. The two athletes with the same parameters can be differently perceived by steroid. Starting Sustamed course preferably with a minimum dosage. It should be noted that at the doping control, drug is found within three months, so its use for competing athletes is extremely difficult.

Sustamed Reviews

Positive reviews about Sustamed 250 from Balkan mostly can be heard from the powerlifting athletes, for whom the price does not play a determining role. Ease of use of the drug (rare injection) is counterbalanced by its significantly cost. The course of the separately purchased esters are cheaper, that’s why Sustamed is often criticized.

Rapid increase in strength, a significant increase in muscle mass, high safety – typical of Sustamed 250 reviews from users.

Alternative Sustamed Suppliers – Buy Sustamed by Balkan Pharmaceuticals Online

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