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Stanos for Sale

  • Drug Class: Oral Anabolic Steroid
  • Active substance: Stanozolol 10 mg
  • Presentation: 100 Tablets
  • Active half-life: 9 Hours
  • Dosage: Men 20-50 mg/day
  • Acne: Yes
  • Hepatotoxicity: Yes
  • Aromatization: No
  • Manufacturer: PharmaCom Labs
  • Listed: September 21, 2016 11:03 am
Stanos (Stanozolol) by PharmaCom Labs


Today let’s talk about a steroid like Stanos from PharmaCom Labs. This product has a mean and powerful androgenic anabolic effect. The basis of preparation is Stanozolol – a substance that was synthesized Winthrop Laboratories Company in 1962. Originally, it was developed for horses to improve their speed, strength and endurance. Later, studies of the properties of matter, scientists have approved its use for humans. Today, Stanozolol is used in heavy sports and medicine.

Stanos is used for strength, endurance and muscle mass, strengthen bones, increase body bump. As an anabolic drug, Stanos is not one of the best, but the cycle of reception of the drug is enough to gain 3-4 kg of high-quality, dry muscles. On the other hand, the little of this product reduces the risk of side effects.

Stanos Effects

  • Improving muscle relief;
  • Increased strength and endurance;
  • Accelerated fat burning;
  • The withdrawal of excessive fluid from the body;
  • Strengthening bones;
  • Lowering the level of globulin, which slows down the anabolic processes.

Stanos Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Stanos cycle is recommended for men over 21 years old, who do not have an excess of body fat, and have built up some volume. Admission of the steroid will help you in improving relief, strength, endurance. During the cycle, which lasts no more than six weeks, you can gain up to 4 kg of dry muscle. It is recommended to start with small doses – 15 mg per day, and then increase the dose if it did not show to you side effects. The maximum allowable dosage of – 45-60 mg per day. For better absorption and to reduce the risks disorders of intestinal tract, Stanos is taken 2 times a day during meals. Admission of Stanos will be more effective in combination with other drugs. One of the most popular combinations – Stanos + Oxandrolone, much will improve your strength potential.

Stanos Side Effects

Side effects are manifested exclusively by increasing the recommended dose and time of taking steroids. Disregarding the recommendations of admission can lead to hair loss, liver toxicity, the deterioration of the prostate and of the heart. The most common side effect when taking Stanos from Pharmacom Labs, is the appearance of acne on the back. receiving this drug is contraindicated! Even a single intake of any drug on the basis of Stanozolol can cause virilization (clitoral size increases, accelerated hair growth, increases of voice). Therefore, for fairer sex is better to use other drugs.

Stanos Reviews

Stanos reviews show that athletes who use this product, are satisfied. Small defects, such as a possible temporary appearance of acne on back, completely overlap the benefits of this drug. This steroid is considered one of the most effective combination of drugs that increases the efficiency of receiving other products of anabolic action.

Alternative Stanos Suppliers – Buy Stanos Online – Stanos by PharmaCom Labs

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