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Primobol for Sale

Primobol (Methenolone Acetate) by Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Primobol from Balkan Pharmaceuticals – it is a quite “soft” steroid that is most used by athletes in the drying period in order to keep up the and give it a bump. Produced in oral form. Active substance of the oral Primobol is Methenolone Acetate which has a weak anabolic (88% from testosterone) and androgenic (44% from testosterone) effects. It is quite safe for the liver, does not aromatize, and is recommended for beginners athletes as a first steroid agent.

Given the lack of side effects and relatively low impact on the body, Primobol is often used by women. The oral form of the drug is good because it does not have a toxic effect on the body.

  • Oral Primobol form has a small half-life and is approximately 5 hours.
  • Detection time for tablets – up to 5-6 weeks

Oral Primobol Effects

  • Improving the quality of the muscles. Primobolan tablets for sale adds muscle mass, but perfectly “draws” the fibers, making them more prominent and solid.
  • Increase in rates.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Maintains acquired muscle mass.

One of the main advantages of the preparation is the absence of conversion into estrogen. Its administration is not accompanied by swelling or gynecomastia. Primobol in its action is more suitable for drying than for gaining muscle mass, which is proved by testimonials from those whose goal was a set of muscle mass.

Oral Primobol Cycle / Dosage

Primobol cycle lasts about eight weeks, due to the moderate action of the drug. Increasing the duration of admission it is not recommended due to possible occurrence of side effects. The best time to receive it is during the drying cycle. In this case, the application of Primobol for muscle growth helps to keep the muscles and make them more prominent.

Oral Primobol dosage for men ranges from 50 to 100 mg per day. After 2-3 days after discontinuation is recommended to start a post-cycle therapy.

As how to take Primobol in combination with other drugs – a very frequently asked question, given its weak anabolic effect. It is best to set a Primobol cycle on mass combined with Nandrolone, Testosterone, Methandrostenolone and Sustanon. During the drying of muscles is activated Winstrol. In preparing the combined rate is not recommended to be used simultaneously by more than two drugs. Both used steroid is better to be taken in half doses – it will not only increase their efficiency, but also reduce the risk of side effects.

Primobol Side Effects

Primobol tablets are one of the safest oral steroids and the manifestation of its side effects – is extremely rare: they do not occur while taking the drug solo at recommended dosages. Oral Primobol for sale from Balkan Pharmaceuticals has no pronounced effect on its own secretion of testosterone – the hormone levels during long-term course of medication and dosage to 40 milligrams, is reduced by half, but fully restored in a week or two. Theoretically may develop testicular atrophy, increased blood pressure and a rise in the level of harmful cholesterol. But in practice, such side effects are not fixed. With large overdoses may still be excessive excitability, and even aggression.

Primobol Reviews

From professional athletes can be heard quite discreet reviews about how to buy Primobol tablets. They practically do not use it solo because they consider it ineffective.

Much more frequent reviews of Primobol are related to its combination with other anabolic steroids. Athletes appreciate the ability of drug to hold gained muscle mass, helping to improve its relief and stiffness. Comments about the Primobol side effects almost never occur.

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