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Androne 250 for Sale

Androne 250 (Test Enanthate) by Caspian Tamin Pharmaceuticals


Androne 250 – preparation on the basis of testosterone, planted on the ester. Enanthate characterized in that it provides sustained delivery of the active substance in blood. Thus, minimizing the number of injections, the effects appear gradually. Anabolic and androgenic index – 100% of testosterone, the suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes – expressed, the level of flavoring is higher (on a cycle co-administration of antiestrogens is recommended), liver toxicity – no. Duration – half a month, time of detection at doping control – 90 days.

Androne 250 Effects

  • Growth of muscle mass. Increase in muscle in part due to the retention of sodium and fluid accumulation. Upon cycle completion, the rollback phenomenon is observed.
  • Pumping (Blood flows to the muscles).
  • Increase in rates.
  • Eliminating pain in the joints and ligaments. Androne 250 is recommended to athletes complaining of deterioration of intervertebral discs, crunch and pain in the shoulders (but still to solve these problems appears preferable to human growth hormone and nandrolones).
  • Stimulation of regenerative processes.
  • Increase motivation and overall tone.
  • Prevent overtraining.
  • Increased red blood cell production. Increased blood oxygen mass leads to the fact that the muscles slowly are acidifying, and therefore increases endurance of athlete, his aerobic capacity.

Androne 250 Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Androne cycle is quite long, on average, 8 to 10 weeks. The recommended dosage is 250 to 500 milligrams. Experienced athletes often increase it. For selection of the ideal norms and frequency of injections necessary to undergo a medical examination and consult a physician (or at least with a trainer). After 2-3 weeks after the cycle begins PCT. At high doses are possible estrogenic adverse events. To prevent such effects, it is recommended to take Proviron or aromatase inhibitors (starting at 2-3 weeks of the cycle and ending one week after its completion). To save the gained muscle mass, cortisol blockers are used. As for how to take Androne 250 in combination with other AAS, the best combinations are considered schemes with: Methandrostenolone for Sale, Trenbolone for Sale, Nandrolone for Sale and Anapolon for Sale.

Androne 250 Reviews

Most satisfied athletes are with the quality of gained muscle mass, the degree of increase in performance and increase endurance: here are the positive reviews about Androne 250. Criticism is mostly occur to a significant rollback phenomenon. It is really present even in the case of the corresponding measures.

In terms of price, reviews of Androne 250 says the availability of the steroid. The drug is sold by 1 ampoule, so anyone can at minimal cost to try the action for himself. Caspian Tamin Pharmaceuticals – a little-known company, and it is better not to spend large sums for the purchase of AAS, but initially to limited dosage is sufficient to verify the effectiveness.

Alternative Androne 250 Suppliers – Buy Androne 250 by Caspian Tamin Pharmaceuticals Online

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