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Anabol for Sale

Anabol (Methandrostenolone) by British Dispensary


Anabol 5 and 10 – is an anabolic steroid, available in tablets and capsules from Thai company British Dispensary on the basis of well-known substances – Methandrostenolone. For the first time such anabolic drugs started to be used in the 60 years of the twentieth century in the United States, shortly after the invention of “methane” by Dr. John Zieger. For the first time Methane was used for treatment of burns and up recovery, but after a few years began to take its root in the sports practice. Even the FDA ban (management control for medicines and food) has not changed the situation. Today, preparations on the basis of Methandrostenolone are available on the open market in Mexico, as well as Asia and Eastern Europe.

Anabol has been created for the rapid increase in muscle mass. It is the most demanded in and sports, where there is no restriction on the weight categories. In addition to muscle growth, significantly increases performance and endurance. Anabol steroid is successfully used in medicine to improve protein digestion, for strengthening bones and improving immunity.

Anabol Effects

  • Rapid muscle hypertrophy. This is the main effect of the admission of Methandienone. The rapid increase in is due to the activation of glycogenolysis and protein synthesis.
  • Increase in rates.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Strengthening the joints and bones.
  • Stimulation of fat burning (effect is negligible).
  • Anti-catabolic effect.

Anabolic activity of the drug is twice higher than that of testosterone, while the androgenic – twice below.

Anabol steroid has a low degree of conversion into estrogen and mild liver toxicity. Chemically, the active substance of Anabol 10 – Methandrostenolone, is a modified testosterone to increase the anabolic and decrease androgenic activity. Effects on the body is associated with the entry in connection with androgenic cell receptors.

Anabol Dosage / Cycle

Anabol cycle is recommended for persons over 21 years who do not have significant contraindications to the drug (for example, prostate hypertrophy, heart disease and liver, high blood pressure). The maximum recommended daily dose is 30 milligrams. It is best to break up the reception a few times – this will avoid unnecessary load on the liver and sudden changes in hormonal levels. To enhance the effects of steroid it should be taken on an empty stomach. It is advisable to build an Anabol cycle: the first few days (to weeks) should increase the dosage from 10 mg to a maximum. So you can appreciate the individual tolerance of the drug, and make appropriate adjustments if necessary. The optimal duration of Anabol cycle – half a month.

How to take Anabol tablets or capsules in combination with other drugs? To eliminate the possible conversion into estrogen, and water retention, a week after the beginning of the cycle it is recommended to connect the aromatase inhibitors (as an option, take Anastrozole with a dosage of 0.5 milligrams each 3 days). As PCT is used Tamoxifen at 20 mg daily for two to four weeks. For the early recovery of secretion of testosterone and avoiding the rollback phenomenon is advisable to take a special sports nutrition (eg boosters) and diet.

Anabol Side Effects

The most common side effects of Anabol – gynecomastia, water retention and liver disease. Timely receiving aromatase inhibitors can prevent Methandrostenolone conversion into estrogen (methylestradiol). If you exceed the recommended dosage and duration of the Anabol cycle can provoke deterioration of conductivity bile ducts and thickening of the membranes of liver cells, which ultimately leads to stagnation of bile. This problem is solved with parallel reception of Holosas. Recent studies have found that drugs such as Liv52 and Essentiale Forte more harm than help to the liver. In general, the Anabol drug can not be called as a frequent and pronounced side effects. This is a fairly safe way, if you follow the recommendations.

Anabol Reviews

Opinions were divided. Many users are taking a solo medication without means of support to prevent side effects, complain about the rollback phenomenon. Anabol reviews by British Dispensary suggests that for maximum effect requires strict adherence to the instructions, and use of anti-estrogens and the PCT. Most often, side effects occur when exceeding the recommended doses.

Thai Anabol reviews of the British Dispensari say about the drug as an excellent stack. “Methane” interacts well with Stanozolol, Testosterone Propionate and Oxandrolone (to increase performance), and also with Nandrolone Decanoate, Testosterone Enanthate and Sustanon (to increase muscle mass).

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