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Dan Duchaine: THE Steroid Guru

Bodybuilding May 22, 2016

dan duchaine

Dan Duchaine is known around the steroid world as the steroid guru mostly due to his pro-steroid opinions that he was not unwilling to share with the public and candidly shared his opinions on news shows such as 20/20 and 60 Minutes. He is also the author of several books about steroids including Underground Steroid Handbook for Men and and Underground Body Opus: Militant and Recomposition.

While in college in the 1970’s Duchaine participated in competitive bodybuilding, but wasn’t very successful. That’s when he decided to try using anabolic steroids to give himself a boost. At first he claims that they weren’t very successful for him so he began researching them on his own.

Eventually Duchaine began selling illegal steroids and worked his way up to being a major part of steroid trafficking of the drugs from Mexico and was even indicted for these actions, pled guilty and spent time in prison. He went back to prison for a second time and realized that he needed to do something different so that he wouldn’t end up there again.

This is when he started putting his self-obtained knowledge to use. He became “The Guru” for the MM2K magazine by writing articles and heading a Q&A Column. During this time he was looked up to from the community as an expert on what they wanted and “needed” to know to succeed in their field. Duchaine strongly believed that with the right knowledge, however, steroids can be used moderately enough to be safe and successful at the same time – and people liked his method of giving out the information which combined personal examples, research and technical information about the drugs including how and why they worked. At the same time, however the law enforcement and medical fields cringed at what he was doing. They felt he was a drug pusher and was endangering people’s health by promoting potentially hazardous drugs – even though Duchaine readily admitted that he believed steroids could be dangerous when used inappropriately or abused or used by people who are more likely to suffer negative consequences (such as children and adolescents and people who are sick or frail).

Additionally, Duchaine wrote to steroid users how they can beat the drug tests they are subject to before competitions. He also was on top of new substances that athletes could use that were not yet being tested. Because of this, the athletic community often looked to him as someone who promoted cheating in the competitions.

Overall, Duchaine said that if he knows about potential performance enhancers then other people will to so he liked to do the service of researching them so that people had the ability to find out the pertinent information to use them in such a way as to not harm themselves.

Duchaine died in January of 2000 of a kidney failure to do polycystic kidney disease.

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