Testo-E for Sale
- Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate
- Presentation: 5 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
- Manufacturer: Gen-Shi Laboratories
- Link: https://www.anabolic-steroids.biz/genshi-injectables-1266/testo-e-1250-24937.html
- Listed: April 5, 2015 10:26 am
Testo-E from Gen-Shi Laboratories – preparation on the basis of testosterone enanthate, testosterone analog of natural human action and sustained high androgenic and anabolic activity. The chemical formula is different from the propionate ester with longer chain, thereby testosterone saturates the blood gradually over time. Enanthate not require frequent injections. Steroid is used by bodybuilders, powerlifters and other “security forces” to enhance athletic performance and a set of weight.
Testosterone enanthate first began to be used in the US in the 50s of the last century. It was the first drug with delayed actions developed on the basis of oil. Initially used for medical purposes for combating growth disturbances in adolescents when forming body, as well as for the treatment of mammary tumors. After some time, the testosterone ester penetrated deeply into the sport.
Testo-E Effects
- Severe muscle mass gains. This is perhaps the main effect of the drug, which is why it is widely used in the power sport without weight categories and doping control. For those who want to quickly increase muscle mass and is not going to compete, better means than Testo-E is not found.
- Increase in power performance. Increased muscle strength, valued by powerlifters and weightlifters.
- Pumping.
- A significant fluid retention. Estrogenic effects of the drug and sodium retention, Testo-E cause rapid weight gain, but it is quite watery.
- Increasing regenerative processes.
- Improving the general condition of the body, mood, motivation for training.
Testo-E Dosage / Cycle / Stack
How to take Testo-E, it is highly dependent on the individual characteristics of a particular athlete, because of its anabolic effect which is directly proportional to the dosage used. For male athletes recommended rate of drug ranges from 250 to 1000 mg per week. As for weight and power performance, the amount of the steroid may also be increased. The frequency of injections is 1 or 2 times per week.
Testo-E cycle lasts 10 weeks and about 2-3 weeks, after its completion is performed post-cycle therapy. Perhaps the use of enanthate for a longer time, but in these cases it is better to consult with a specialist, or at least monitor your basic physiological indicators (to be tested). The use of Gen-Shi Testo-E by women is not recommended because of its high androgenic activity.
Testo-E Side Effects
Side effects from Testo-E can be avoided if, from the second or third week of the cycle, you would be taking Proviron or aromatase inhibitors. To continue receiving aromatase inhibitors should be within a week after the cancellation of enanthate. To best control the hormones, it is recommended to analyze the level of estradiol before and at the time of post-cycle therapy with aromatase inhibitors. If duration of Testo-E cycle exceeds two months with a weekly dosage of 250 mg or higher, you must use the Gonadotropin as a PCT. If you are interested in maintaining the maximum gain weight, you should immediately start taking, after cycle completion, cortisol blockers. Correctly chosen sports nutrition and diet can help minimize the “rollback phenomenon”.
Testo-E Reviews
Many bodybuilders leave positive feedback about the (Testo-E) testosterone enanthate from Gen-Shi Labs, which indicate that the drug makes it possible to recover quickly between workouts and pursue them more intensively and feel better at the expense of muscle expressed Pumping.
Negative reviews about Testo-E of Gen-Shi Labs, indicating the ineffectiveness of the steroid or significant side effects do not occur. At high doses, athletes prefer to distribute the weekly dose into two injections. According to them, it helps to achieve a more even hormonal. Athletes appreciate enanthate ability to increase speed-strength performance, the amount of muscle mass and mental attitude to training.
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