The gluteus maximus is a badly misunderstood creature. Most women go out of their way to avoid doing anything to work their butt to prevent it growing and most men ignore it because they tend to get caught up up in admiring the mirror muscles and anything beyond biceps and pectorals gets little consideration. This […]
Strengthen Those Core Muscles
They are at the gym three or four times a week working out on the leg machines, doing countless repetitions of arm exercises and hours of cardio. They are the runners, swimmers and multi-sport athletes working on conditioning for their specific events. They all share one thing in common. They do not spend nearly enough […]
5095 total views, 0 today
Romanian Deadlift Variants for Hamstring Flexibility and Strength
According to weightlifting lore, the Romanian deadlift was named when American powerlifters spotted Nicu Vlad, a champion Romanian weightlifter, performing the exercise prior to winning an Olympic medal. The movement deals primarily with hip extension, and is one of the best known and most effective exercises for the hamstrings and glutes, increasing strength and flexibility. […]
22242 total views, 7 today
Work Out without Weights Using Dynamic Self-Resistance
Dynamic self-resistance exercises may sound familiar if names like Charles Atlas and Earle Liederman ring a bell. In these exercises, the individual can use as much tension as they want, increasing tension over time to provide a consistent and challenging workout. One muscle group provides resistance for another muscle group. Maximum intensity is reached when […]
9268 total views, 2 today
The Difference Between Fast And Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres
When performing a strength training routine there are some things you should know about the different muscle fibre types. Since each muscle fibre type has various properties it is important to understand which ones you are using when you train. This allows you to make the most out of your workouts. Muscle Fibre Type 1 […]
12913 total views, 1 today
The Correct Strength Training Methods
If you are looking to build muscle then one of the most important things you are going to have to do with your workout routine is provide an overloading stimulus. The reason why an overloading stimulus is so important for building muscle tissue is because in order for your muscles to get stronger, they have […]
5509 total views, 1 today
10 Press Up Progressions
A press up to the Brits or a push up across the pond, is a common strength training exercise that dates back to the earliest forms of physical conditioning, embraced by the military throughout the 20th century and today a common sight in any gym around the world. Each of the press ups discussed in […]
3953 total views, 2 today
10 Press Up Variations
These press up variations are designed to increase the level of difficulty of the exercise as well as allow the individual to incorporate more specific press up exercises into their routines. If you are reasonably new to personal fitness or wish to study a more general and basic press up technique read 10 Press Up […]
8032 total views, 1 today
Building a Big Bench Press
The bench press is possibly the most popular exercise in gyms everywhere. Monday, otherwise known as national chest and biceps day for many, almost always starts with the bench press. Asking what somebody can bench is the most common question in strength training. While there are certainly better exercises than the bench, it is good […]
13839 total views, 1 today
Correcting Common Misconceptions About Female Strength Training
Strength training has terrific benefits for females. It has been repeatedly shown to help alleviate symptoms of depression and PMS, improve the immune system, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and provide a huge boost in confidence as strength, balance, and muscle tone improve. It is also extremely helpful in building bone density, and may […]
15864 total views, 2 today
Choosing the Right Rowing Exercise Equipment
If a person is looking for something that provides both a strength and a cardiovascular workout, consider purchasing a rowing machine. A rowing machine simulates the actions of rowing a boat which is a great muscle building workout that gives one a thorough cardiovascular workout as well. A rowing machine makes a great addition to […]
16689 total views, 0 today
German Volume Training: The Best Workout for Building Muscle
What is the best way to build muscle? Countless people ask this question after disappointing results. The true answer is that most routines will yield the desired result given enough sheer intensity of training. However, amongst experienced gym-going circles, one regimen stands above all others. The program in question was developed in Germany during the […]
5122 total views, 0 today
Increasing Your Bench Press
To some weight lifters, the bench press is a staple in their workout routines. This exercise is where the mark is set to determine just how strong you are and have become since you’ve started training. However, we may find ourselves hitting a plateau and no longer having continuous gains. To increase your bench press […]
13320 total views, 1 today
Pilates For Men
How Men can Benefit from Pilates Pilates has so many benefits, especially for men, but one of the biggest myths is that it’s an exercise “only for women” or it’s too easy. Ironically, Pilates was developed by a man for men. Joseph H. Pilates was very sick as a child; he devoted the rest of […]
15712 total views, 1 today
Anabolic Steroid Abuse and Risks
Sports have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. And it never made much difference whether I was playing club or intramurals or just messing around with friends. Playing was all that really mattered. And while winning was generally preferable to losing, the true satisfaction came from simply being in […]
5072 total views, 1 today
Steroids Safe in Medicine but Dangerous in Bodybuilding
Mesomorphosis published an interesting article about a World Health Organization study made in china – 1000 men were injected a monthly dose of 500 mg testosterone undecanoate for thirty (30!) months and it proved to be a “safe, effective, reversible and reliable contraception in a high proportion of [participants]” Interestingly enough, most official organizations will […]
5499 total views, 0 today
The Guide About The Use Of Anabolic Steroids
There are tenets that have been developed by those who are experienced in the use of steroids either on a personal level or from a medical experience point of view. For you who is contemplating whether to take the step to steroid use or not it will serve you a lot of good if you […]
6021 total views, 2 today
Peptides In Bodybuilding
Peptides are referred to a family of substances whose molecules are built from the remnants of α-amino acids, connected in a chain by peptide bonds. Speaking of the peptides, it is necessary to represent natural or synthetic compounds consisting of hundreds and thousands of monomeric units – amino acids. This class of drugs is very […]
Romanian Deadlift Variants for Hamstring Flexibility and Strength
According to weightlifting lore, the Romanian deadlift was named when American powerlifters spotted Nicu Vlad, a champion Romanian weightlifter, performing the exercise prior to winning an Olympic medal. The movement deals primarily with hip extension, and is one of the best known and most effective exercises for the hamstrings and glutes, increasing strength and flexibility. […]
5x5 Training For Size and Strength
5×5 training has been in around in various forms for the best part of a century. It allows for trainees to progress in both size and strength at the same time. It can also be adapted to cater for those of all levels of training experience from the weight-training novice all the way up to […]
Insulin After Steroids Cycle
It is not a secret that insulin for sale is popular and relevant in the world of bodybuilding, so its use is due to a real effect by increasing athlete’s muscle mass. The drug is used in the form of a regular cycle and can be placed either as separate injections or combined with steroids […]
Because steroids are illegal in the United States, people in the bodybuilding world are always looking for ways to get similar results without the legalities involved. That is how the popularity of prohormones was born. They are considered dietary supplements. After they started gaining popularity, however, the purchase of prohormones has become illegal in the […]